Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Khemarak Sreypov likes to keep her natural beauty

Khemarak Sreypov and Khemarak Serymon

Got starting her singing career more than 2 years, Khemarak Sreypov who is a famous singer’s sister, Khemarak Sereymon, is recognized and supported by Cambodian young fans. She still keeps her natural beauty. She has not her skin whitened as other female stars did. At the present, it is noticed that most of stars, both male and female, like to have their skin whitened.

She told Apsara Magazine that she is presently very happy with her successful career because her songs have been strongly recognized and supported on the market. It is the reason that what is important is good voice for singer and other things are not so important.

She also said that she likes to make up as natural beauty because she likes her natural beauty and wants to keep it. She added that she feels afraid of using products because it can affect health.

For love, she told the magazine that she is not involved with anyone yet because she thought she is really pleased to live with her parents and brothers. By the way, she is focusing on her study.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

SaSa is building her reputation in Town production

After recording songs with Town production, it is noticed that singer, SaSa, is recognized through her new songs released and she is building her popularity and reputation. In the past, she used to have many scandals involving her private life. Therefore, she is not allowed by her production to talk about her private life with reporters. She is allowed to tell reporters only about her singing career in order to avoid affecting her career and company.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nab Pisey becomes vendor of teen fashion clothes

Former singer and actress: Nab Pisey

Former singer and karaoke actress, Nab Pisey, 25, now is selling teen fashion dresses at Depot Market after quitting her singing and performing career for two years. She used to sing at beer gardens at night. And she has been also invited to sing concert over the weekend.

Nab Pisey told Khmer-language newspaper- Kohsantepheap daily- that previously she used to perform karaoke for both domestic and overseas productions, especially for Reaksmey Hang Meas production until she gained popularity.

Even though, since at the end of 2008, she was not seen in performing arts and it was rumored that she would get married to overseas man living in USA.

A 25-year-singer said that leaving the singing career did not mean that she got married to Cambodian-American man. It is because that she is busy to run her own business.

She has bought modern clothes from overseas for wholesaling to her retailers in Phnom Penh and for her stall too.

She also confirmed that she is not only busy with her business but she also forgets to think about love, who she will choose for in the future. Nowadays, her heart is still available. Who will be her heart’s owner??? Sourced: Kohsantepheap Daily News

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Keo Sorya quitted her performing after splitting her Korean boyfriend

Movie Actress, Keo Sorya

Actress, Keo Sorya, stopped wearing sexy, skimpy clothes and postponed her performing in order to run her own business instead. Since 2007, she started her performing career, including movie and karaoke for both local and overseas productions.

By the way, she used to have scandals and rumors at the end of 2009 and early 2010. She was reported that she had relationship with a married man and was also threatened but she rejected.

A 24-year-actress said that she temporarily quite her performing and instead does her own business.

In addition, she split from her Korean boyfriend one month ago, who she used to tell the public that she would have engagement with him and reach to get married at the end of 2010. By the time, she said that she stopped thinking about love and starts focusing on her own business. Source: kohsantepheap daily newspapers

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Danh Monika to conceive baby next year

Khmer Actress: Danh Monika

Khmer actress, Danh Monika, 24, got married to a Cambodian-Austrualian man on February 2010 and then she left for Australia with her husband on March. Recently, local Magazine reported that she will be ready to deliver her baby girl at the early next year.

Dahn Monika’s mother, Men Channary, told The Angkor Thom Magazine that “Monika is very happy when she knew that she will have a baby girl because it is her desire and her husband’s.” She also added that her daughter is keeping taking care of her health and her husband’s relative is taking care of her as well. And Monika is ready to conceive.

Monika’s mother also said that Monika’s weight increased 4kg. And it is expected that she will still gain weight because her baby is growing from day to day.

Monika had started entering into the performing arts since 1980s when she was 13 years old. Monika’s mother was a former Khmer traditional artist. So, Monika follows her mother’s footstep.

Ms. Channary told magazine that she plans to visit her daughter before conceiving at the end of this year in order to help take care of her daughter and she will stay in Australia for 6 months until her daughter has enough good health and energy. She also said that Monika, her daughter and husband will be able to return to Cambodia at the mid-2011.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Teng Leakhena to open her clothing shop this year

Khmer star: Teng Leakhena (photo from her facebook)

Movie actress and TV presenter, Teng Leakhen plans to operate her own clothing shop at the end of this year, according to Angkor Thom magazine. She is building her popularity during the last two years after she has entered the performing art nearly four years.

She told magazine that she allocates $50,000 for opening her garment shop at the end of 2010. And she will also purchase all clothes from Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong. But she does not show the place of her shop yet.

In fact, she had two projects to operate this year- Clothing shop and Tourism agency- but she postponed opening Tourism Agency because she lacks capital.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Keo Nisa walked into café with her new lover

Khmer actress, Keo Nisa, always has many scandals in her private life and then she was not seen performing in any movies so far. On August 01, 2010, she was spotted walking into café with a 40-year-man at around 2:30 pm in Phnom Penh. Relation between her and a man is closer.

While she was with a man, she got dressed in black T-shirt and a short skirt. For a man, he ages around 40 years, who drove Ranger Rover.

In the last time, some reporters are hard to contact with her to give an interview about her broken-scandals because she always tried to avoid reporters.

Last year, she got divorced with her husband. And later, it was reported that she had relationship with other rich-man. Even though, she did not reveal it to reporters.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New style with Thorn Leakhena

actress and TV presenter, Thorn Leakhena, is building her reputation in performing art. She is recognized strongly by television watchers of CTN program ‘Sokea, Leakhena and BIG’ every Monday night. This year, she is studying grade 12 at Beilti Institution. Therefore, she needs to have more times to concentrate on her study rather than performing art.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wow so sweet! Kong Chansreymom

Just spotted so sweet photos of former freshier girls, Kong Chansreymom, with her baby at the beach were posted on her facebook. How do you think????

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sim Thaina opens BBQs shop

M Production’s singer, Sim Thaina, officially announced at the end of July on live television concert that she opened Barbeque shop near old US Embassy.

We always observe that actors and actresses always do their own business before performing career. Let’s go to have BBQ at her shop!!! Go go!!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Khmer singer: Ouk Sokunkanha left for Australia

Ouk Sokunkanha

Popular singer Ouk Sokunkanha left Cambodia for Australia on Friday evening last week in order to perform concert over there. She presently is recording songs for Hang Meas Production. At the present, it is noticed that Singers of Hang Meas Production performed abroad. recently, three singers came back from France, while its popular singer Chhorn Sovannareach is performing in Australia.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Meas Soksophea works with Town Production

Popular singer, Meas Soksophea, now left for Town Production after her contract with Sunday Production ended since May 2010. Even though, until now, her new album with new production is still not released yet. Now, we are waiting to see whether her new songs will be supported by fans or not. When she was with M Production and Sunday Production, her songs were supported strongly.

Reportedly, she was married to her boyfriend living in Canada at the end of last year and her marriage also ended as well but her brother, Sok Rathanak, rejected what was reported by the local news and said that his sister does not marry yet.

Despite, she got married or not, she should reveal this rumor in order to clarify the truth. If she does not, she probably got married and tries to hide it from reporters. How do you think about?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Doung Zorida opened the second Fashion Shop

Miss. Doung Zorida is TV presenter who is regarded as successful actress, including both of art career and business. More than one year, she opened Garment and Tailor shop “ZO Fashion” located along Kampuchea Krom Blvd. But recently, she just opened the second branch off Psah Chas Market.

Doung Zorida was quoted by Popular Magazine as saying that “opening the second shop is to make clients easier and in the future, if I have enough possibility, I will open two or three more branches.”

She spent nearly $10,000 for her second branch. Those money is coming from her mother’s money and her own cash.

By the way, she is regarded as an actress who is smart at doing business because she has good communication.

For acting career, Doung Zorida said that she postponed her performing but still works as TV presenter because she is busy with her business.

She said that “I am thinking about business-doing and I do not think that I am a well-known actress because I want to become a successful businesswoman and model designer.”

In addition, she also contributes the social works; especially work relating to HIV/AIDS.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sem Thaina returned to M Production

Former singer, Sem Thaina, recording for M Production left Bigman Production and has returned to M Production. leaving Bigman Production was not conflict between her and production owner.

In addition, M Production’s owner expressed pleased with his former signer coming back. New album that Sem Thaina recorded for M production has new three songs: “Grazy Heart” Song “Meul Sral” and​ “Baek Khnea Kompong Srolanh”.

Now, we wait and see whether her new songs will be supported by her fans or not. In the past, she was supported by young fans in Cambodia.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Waterfall Kbal Chhay

Kbal Chhay waterfall is the natural site where has water flowing down on the big rocks during rainy season. Most tourists who visited Beaches in Preah Sihanouk always go to see the waterfall while returning to Phnom Penh.

Ochheuteal Beach in Preah Sihanouk

Preah Sihanouk province is a Cambodia’s premier beach town where is a place to unwind by the beach, enjoy the fresh from-the-ocean seafood, take in a snorkeling or scuba trip and generally slow-down, lay back and chill-out.

Ochheuteal Beach is more active and popular one out of main beaches in Preah Sihanouk province with travelers and weekenders who like visiting with their families and friends, including foreign tourists. Ochheuteal beach, known as UNTAC beach in the earlier 1990s, is the popular beach resort with little shack-style seafood restaurants and bars lining almost 2km of the sand’s edge from Serendipity Beach to the development at the south end.

Travelers or weekenders like to eat fresh seafood such as crabs, pawns…etc. a beachfront is lined with little beach bars and seafood, providing cool drinking, beach umbrellas, and folded chairs, seafood BBQ, evening parties, water sport and more.

Natural resort Lake of Kayak in Koh Kong


Cambodian people is the target of this tourism destination for making profit to support the national resort- Lake of Kayak in Koh Kong province- where has been created by community under support from provincial governor, partial budget of commune council, and international organizations in 2007. The creation of this natural resort is because of deforestation of Mangrove forests and the decline of sea fish.

Visiting this community-based resort, you will walk cross 1,000 long cement bridge and then you will hear the voice of birds’ songs, and see sea fish swimming within the stream. Visitors will be able to take a rest at the hatch-roofed huts in order to take fresh airs. At the bridge’s end, you will see the hanging bridge, which is 15 meter high.

The local tourists who visit the Lake of Kayak are at least ranging from 60 to 70 visitors per normal day and the number is doubling over the weekend. The increasing number of visitors is during the Khmer New Year and special events.

Independence Beach


Local and foreign tourists rarely visited Independence Beach, also known as Seven-story Hotel, where sits atop the rocky points at the north end of the beach.

Independence Beach is, in general, less frequented than other beaches, and sees comparatively few foreign visitors, though it still can get pretty busy on weekends and holidays.Independence is a good beach to escape some of the hustle and bustle of more tourist beaches like Ocheuteal while still having access to a selection of little beach bars and seafood shacks.

Independence Beach is more than a kilometer long, but the sandy area is a bit narrow, making the beach best when the tide is lower. Grass umbrellas, seafood shacks and drink vendors dot the beach from end to end with a greater concentration toward the southern end where the beach is widest. At the northern end of the beach is the Independence Resort on the hill, and source of the Preah Sihanouk’s fresh water and is rumored to contain crocodiles.

Kampi Resort


Kampi is the natural resort for both local and international tourists to visit, and they can bath in flowing water. The area becomes tourism destination during dry season for Khmer New Year, Chinese New Year and over the weekend as well.

Hawaii is beautiful beach


Local and international tourists really want to relax at the place which has fresh air, beautiful view over the weekend and on vocation. You are aware that there are a lot of places to visit in Cambodia, especially beaches in Preah Sihanouk province.

Right now, you should travel to visit Hawaii Beach which is the kind of beautiful and good-looking beach of other most popular beaches in the area. Even though, tourists still approach this beach. Generally, we know that Hawaii Beach is also known as ‘King’s Beach,’ ‘South Channel Beach’ and ‘Lamherkay Beach.’

Commonly, when you go to beaches, you will see umbrellas, folded chairs and small shacks built along the beach like other popular beaches.

Presently, there less visitors travel to Hawaii beach than other beaches such as O’Chheutel beach. If you want to access this beach, you have to go through the small road at the southern end. By the way, there are no so much beachfront vendors like other popular beaches.

TV presenter Kong Socheat has influenza


The popular TV presenter Kong Socheat catches the flu until she cannot speak for two weeks. Nowadays, doctor is treating and controlling her illness very day at her home. She is working for TV3 television as program manager and presenter as well.

According to interview with Sabay, her husband, Moa Visal, said on phone that his wife is not getting better yet. He added that his wife has influenza for nearly two weeks but it is getting better a little bit but she still cannot speak as normal.

In addition, her husband added that he does not know whether when his wife restarts her work because she is not getting better yet and she needs to be treated and examined by doctor every day.

TOTA stars new series of CTN


Currently, actress TOTA has signed contract with CTN television in order to star series of television movie. Previous series of movie “Phka Knong Phka”, it means “Flower in Flower” which she stared as prostitute in night club. Even though, she stared as a prostitute, but she did not feel afraid of spoiling her reputation.

Besides starring movies, she is filming Karaoke as well. Presently, she is performing new series of CTN television “Kou Preng Chomlek”​ but she did not reveal that which character she is.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Chhorn Sovannareach busy singing in provinces

Chhorn Sovannareach

Hang Meas production’s popular singer Chhor Sovannareach amongst youth fans is busy singing in provinces. At the mean time, in the last period, it is seen that his new album are not released. He told local magazine that he has been invited to sing provinces every year. He added that this year, Anchor Beer Company employed him to sing in 10 provinces.

Chhorn Sovannareach has entered within art career since 2005, but he was more popular when he recorded songs for Hang Meas Production in 2007. So far, he is building her reputation in singing career.

Phan Monika fears scandal


A 21-year-old singer, Phan Monika, has walked into the world of art more than 3 years. She presently is recording songs for Sunday Production. Her songs have been recognized by Cambodian fans in the last few years. She completed in grade 9.

Before working for Sunday Production, she never had been trained at any art schools. Her success is due to her patience, and motivation from her friends.

Involving with the scandal in world of art is happening to performers, including singers, movie and karaoke actresses. Monika told the local newspapers that she feels afraid of criticism for actresses who are involving with the love triangle. She added that therefore she has to try to prevent herself from and to stay away from these matters.

In addition, she also requests all supporters to judge actresses bad or good. It is not because of rumors or gossip, damaging the image and reputation of performers and affecting their career as well. She said that before evaluating someone, please consider whether it is true or not.

Singers, movie and karaoke performers had been shot and attacked by acid such as Piseth Pilika, Pov Panhapech, and Touch Sreynich. So far, most of perpetrators remain at large.

Vann Pheakdey’s singer life at beer garden


More than 3 years, Vann Pheakdey, 23, has started her career as singer at beer garden since 2007 but her reputation is not popular. At the present, she is singing at beer garden in Phnom Penh. She wanted to be singer career since she was childhood and she tried to practice and learn to sing by herself.

She is living with a widowed mother in Phnom Penh, and she has 5 siblings over the family. She is the fourth daughter. She has attention to sing as honored singer at televisions over the weekend. Additionally, she wants to record CVs in the future.

Taking career as singer at beer garden is because of her poor family.

She also said that she is having relationship with son of comedian and singer, Mr. Chy Vangsuy but her relationship is not certain in the future.

Pich Sereyroth bought a new Mercedes?

TV presenter Pich Sereyroth
Bayon TV presenter Pich Sereyroth changed a new brand luxury car- Benzes- from Camery 2003. At the mean time, this year she signed new contract with private company to be as a concert presenter in 10 provinces.

In a response to a new Brand Car, she said that it is not her car, it is her boyfriend’s because her car was damaged strongly by accident but she was not in her car because driver was her boyfriend.

Mr. Kong Visal, Sereyroth’s boyfriend, told Nature Magazine that he really met accident but his car was hit by other when he parked.

Relation between Pisey and Monika cut off

Before both got married, movie actresses Keo Pichpisey had good relation with actress Danh Monika behind the scene. Right now, news leaked that their friendship had broken after Pichpisey’s marriage ended with Cambodian-Australian man who was introduced by Monika. Therefore, Pichpisey did not attend Monika’s marriage on February.

In an interview with Sabay website, Monika’s mother answered phone call instead of her daughter by saying that it is misunderstanding. But she confessed that relation between her family and Pichpisey is not like before.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ambition of singer Vann Hanna


Restaurant singer Vann Hanna, aged 19, has high ambition to become popular singer in the singing career. And she also wants to be popular singer like other singers. Therefore, she tried to improve her voice and hopefully she will achieve her ambition in the future.

In 2004 she quitted her school at grade 9 and then helped her mother sell fruits at the market because of her poor family. Later she tried to learn how to sing by herself. In 2008, she started singing at beer garden in Phnom Penh.

Besides singing at restaurant, she also is invited to sing at concerts of local television. And she performs as karaoke actress and also record CDs for other productions.

Nowadays, she is living with her mother, her father passed away. She has 6 siblings (3 sisters and 3 brothers). She is the youngest daughter over the family.

She hopes that she will become famous singer in the near future.